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Tag: Salad

Chipotle Chicken Chopped Salad

September 21, 2017
Chipotle Chicken Chopped Salad

I realized I’m giving away all my best cooking secrets on this blog. Once people figure out that making delicious food is not actually difficult, I’m gonna be out of a job. The cat will be out of the bag,…

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10 Favorite Weeknight Dinner Recipes

August 30, 2017
10 Favorite Weeknight Dinner Recipes

Kids are heading back to school and summer is coming to a close (would someone please tell DC that summer is coming to a close? There’s only so much humidity a person can handle). Perhaps you’re refocusing on your meal…

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12 Easy Fourth of July Recipes

June 29, 2017
12 Easy Fourth of July Recipes

Got plans? No plans? Camping? Winging it? Relaxing at the beach? Wherever you’ll be this Fourth of July weekend, I hope there’s good food there for you to enjoy. And maybe a night game of baseball. For Fourth of July…

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Summer Couscous Salad

June 21, 2017
Summer Couscous Salad

This recipe takes advantage of some of the best parts of summer – plenty of fresh parsley, cilantro, cucumbers, and tomatoes. The main ingredient, couscous, is not really a Midwest thing. But somehow my brother became a huge fan of…

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Easy Weeknight Taco Salad

September 15, 2016
Easy Weeknight Taco Salad

Last week was chocolate cake , this week it’s salad. Gotta keep the balance, right? I would not call myself a person that loves salads, but I make this here taco salad once a week. Probably because it’s ready in…

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Simple Israeli Salad

July 28, 2016
Simple Israeli Salad

Somehow I always forget how ridiculously hot DC gets in July. Every year, it comes as a surprise that these temperatures are achievable, as I step out of my doorway and into a thick wall of humidity and heat. Perhaps…

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Summer Potato Salad with Dijon

May 19, 2016
Summer Potato Salad with Dijon

Who knew that potato salad could actually look pretty? You, too, can make something that looks this good. No summer cookout, picnic, or barbecue is complete without a bowl of potato salad to pass around. Am I right? This version…

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